Friday, March 18, 2016


I have propped the windows open as wide as is physically possible in the hope that a small breeze might filter through off the busy streets below. This is not the perfect start to the week, waking up on a Monday morning to discover there is no power in the building and it is already reaching towards a very humid 30 degrees. During my few days at home I was frustrated by the even colder “feels like” forecast; it was always lagging a few degrees behind the actual temperature due to the wind chill factor. Here in Rio De Janeiro it is the complete reverse, it seems that if you are not in the shade it can feel almost a whole ten degrees hotter than the actual thermometer recording, let me just say that is HOT.

After seven days in the soon to be Olympic host city I have realised that the frequent loss of electricity is not the only concern. The organising committee are frantically preparing for the worlds largest sporting event, that arrives in just four months time.

I am here working on the Modern Pentathlon World Cup that has doubled as a test event.  It is impossible to know where to begin, the list of frustrations the athletes, coaches and organisers have experienced over the past few days is immeasurable. As an announcer I have been tested by the continuous changes to the timetable, the running order, the names and outside of anyone’s control, the weather. The women’s final was almost cancelled due to a severe tropical storm, from my commentary position it was impossible to actually see the race happening in front of our booth. The drama did not end there, once the rain had subsided the chaos then moved to the roads. Four hours later at 1am I walked into my hotel.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Custard wellingtons

The theme of a running race per weekend has continued. I use the term ‘race’ loosely, especially with reference to my most recent event. As I mentioned last week the Park Run 5K is popular across the UK attracting people of all abilities and ambitions. Both my ability and ambition were dampened this week as I stood on the start line of the Moors Valley run, although it was nothing in comparison to my friend, aka “the hen”.

I can hear you shouting ‘why are you running on a hen do?!’ – a few of the girls were asking this but we managed a fifty percent turn out, all embracing the compulsory fancy dress. I have always enjoyed running without the need to spice it up in a costume so I was slightly concerned with the comfort factor and what to wear. As it turned out an extra layer of clothing over my usual running attire worked as a pleasant insulator on a chilly morning. I cannot say the same for then hen as her already hideous outfit was topped off with custard filled wellingtons – and somehow she ran the whole thing, beating many baffled participants.

Since returning from Africa it has been an unusually hectic few days. I had hardly finished unpacking before preparing my bag to head off to Brazil for work. After three weeks away there are a few things that you really appreciate. Personally the comfort of my own bed and the independence of driving my own car feature high on the list. Both were severely hampered. I cannot find my keys and I still have no recollection of where they could be or where else to look. Do not worry I am not sleeping on the street, an emergency spare set of house keys are now in use and a second car key has been sent. This just leaves me slightly uneasy as I head off again, this time with no spares.