Sunday, November 17, 2013

Girls best friend (TT column 18.11.13)

After not attending anything that could even vaguely be classed as glamorous for far too long the opportunities have now arrived like London buses. It is still a novelty as an athlete to dig out the heels and dust off the party frock, not that I can imagine ever getting bored of such occasions. The challenge comes when you have to remember what dress you wore last year and to what awards, then again if the pictures didn’t end up printed or on Facebook you are probably safe. These last two weeks I had no need to worry, both events were new to me but more importantly I disguised my outfits. I am not a huge fan of a black plain dress, although this time it was necessary. Who would notice what I was wearing when I was shining so, no I’m not implying I was looking amazing myself, that was all thanks to the stunning diamonds I had been leant. There is always something a little unnerving about borrowing whether that be your parent’s car, a friend’s horse or a small jewellers’ diamonds, you suddenly are responsible for their valued possessions. Thankfully due to my need to share the love of “my” sparkling jewellery there was not too long a delay from the loss to the search. My stomach sank as I touched my ears to show my friend the diamond earrings; there was only one. Due to her calm methodical plan we found it, lying only inches from the car park drain, oh the relief.

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