I have a distinct memory of one of my mother's birthday cards from many years ago; it accused the birthday girl of being a BBC Radio 2 listener which I then gathered inferred she was old. I didn't really understand this joke especially as we always listened to Steve Wright in the afternoon on the way home from school.
It wasn't until I received my first radio and discovered Radio 1 that I realised the other station was for oldies. As I looked beyond the obvious Radio 1, it became apparent the station you listen to can say a lot about a person and possibly their age. I now love a variety of stations and there are certain presenters I've followed across to other wavelengths. Maybe I'm an exception to the normal or maybe I'm still transitioning from my university days. One thing is for certain - I'm constantly trying to increase my knowledge and become more cultural.
I first visited the theatre at a very young age. I remember attending productions at the Theatre Royal with my grandparents, what a treat it was. That hasn't really changed, I still love to dress up and always look forward to the ice cream in the interval. One thing that has now changed is my appreciation of the performance.
During my time out here in Oman I was invited to see a live orchestra at the Royal Opera House. I love live performances and going out for the evening although wasn't sure I was actually old enough to go to such a sophisticated event. That said, I'd never say no to such a generous offer. I found myself sat next to a girl of primary school age who reassured me that we should never restrict ourselves with imaginary age limits.
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